15:37:22.383 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x12 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 15:37:22.383 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee 15:37:22.383 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 15:37:22.383 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 15:37:22.383 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344 15:37:22.383 -> load:0x40078000,len:13864 15:37:22.383 -> load:0x40080400,len:3608 15:37:22.383 -> entry 0x400805f0 15:37:23.177 -> 15:37:23.177 -> 15:37:23.177 -> --- 15:37:23.177 -> 15:37:23.177 -> ------------------------------------- 15:37:23.177 -> ESP32-CAM-RocketCam v60.4.7.srt.4 15:37:23.224 -> ------------------------------------- 15:37:23.224 -> setup, core 1, priority = 1 15:37:23.224 -> --- reboot ------ because: ESP_RST_POWERON 15:37:23.224 -> 15:37:23.224 -> I2C Scanner 15:37:23.224 -> Scanning... 15:37:23.224 -> I2C device found at address 0x53 ! 15:37:23.224 -> I2C device found at address 0x77 ! 15:37:23.224 -> done 15:37:23.224 -> 15:37:23.224 -> ------------------------------------ 15:37:23.224 -> Sensor: BMP085 15:37:23.224 -> Driver Ver: 1 15:37:23.224 -> Unique ID: 10085 15:37:23.224 -> Max Value: 1100.00 hPa 15:37:23.224 -> Min Value: 300.00 hPa 15:37:23.224 -> Resolution: 0.01 hPa 15:37:23.224 -> ------------------------------------ 15:37:23.271 -> Pressure: 887.71 hPa 15:37:23.271 -> Temperature: 22.00 C 15:37:23.271 -> Altitude: 1101.93 m 15:37:23.271 -> 15:37:23.271 -> ------------------------------------ 15:37:23.271 -> Sensor: ADXL345 15:37:23.271 -> Driver Ver: 1 15:37:23.271 -> Unique ID: 12345 15:37:23.271 -> Max Value: -156.91 m/s^2 15:37:23.318 -> Min Value: 156.91 m/s^2 15:37:23.318 -> Resolution: 0.04 m/s^2 15:37:23.318 -> ------------------------------------ 15:37:23.318 -> 15:37:23.318 -> X: 0.12 Y: 0.35 Z: 9.89 m/s^2 15:37:23.784 -> Good settings in the EPROM 15:37:23.784 -> New File Group 8 15:37:23.784 -> Writing to EPROM ... 15:37:23.830 -> Mounting the SD card ... 15:37:23.922 -> SD_MMC Begin: 1 15:37:23.922 -> SD_MMC Card Type: SDHC 15:37:23.922 -> SD_MMC Card Size: 30250MB 15:37:23.922 -> Try to get parameters from config.txt ... 15:37:23.922 -> Failed to open config.txt - writing a default 15:37:23.970 -> ========= Data fram config.txt and defaults ========= 15:37:23.970 -> Name desklens 15:37:23.970 -> Framesize 11 15:37:23.970 -> Quality 12 15:37:23.970 -> Framesize config 13 15:37:23.970 -> Quality config 5 15:37:23.970 -> Buffers config 4 15:37:23.970 -> Length 1800 15:37:23.970 -> Interval 0 15:37:23.970 -> Speedup 1 15:37:23.970 -> Streamdelay 0 15:37:23.970 -> Internet 5 15:37:23.970 -> Zone len 3, GMT 15:37:23.970 -> ssid ap 15:37:23.970 -> pass mrpeanut 15:37:23.970 -> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> desklens_50 15:37:23.970 -> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2-gcF450jz60 15:37:23.970 -> Creating logfile /desklens8.999.txt 15:37:23.970 -> Setting up the camera ... 15:37:23.970 -> Frame config 13, quality config 5, buffers config 4 15:37:24.017 -> Before camera config ...Internal Total heap 291024, internal Free Heap 263796, SPIRam Total heap 4192107, SPIRam Free Heap 4165171 15:37:24.203 -> After camera config ...Internal Total heap 290704, internal Free Heap 226680, SPIRam Total heap 4192043, SPIRam Free Heap 2629107 15:37:24.203 -> 15:37:24.203 -> Camera started correctly, Type is 26 (hex) of 9650, 7725, 2640, 3660, 5640 15:37:24.203 -> 15:37:24.768 -> Pic, len=195249, new fb 3F8071CC 15:37:24.768 -> Pic, len=24591, new fb 3F864DDC 15:37:24.768 -> Pic, len=24442, new fb 3F8C29EC 15:37:24.768 -> Pic, len=65212, new fb 3F9205FC 15:37:24.862 -> Pic, len=39245, new fb 3F8071CC 15:37:24.909 -> Pic, len=31123, new fb 3F864DDC 15:37:25.002 -> Pic, len=30999, new fb 3F8071CC 15:37:25.096 -> Pic, len=25800, new fb 3F864DDC 15:37:25.190 -> Pic, len=25742, new fb 3F8071CC 15:37:25.236 -> Pic, len=25915, new fb 3F864DDC 15:37:25.283 -> End of setup ...Internal Total heap 290704, internal Free Heap 226680, SPIRam Total heap 4192043, SPIRam Free Heap 2629107 15:37:25.283 -> Checking SD for available space ... 15:37:25.283 -> Total space: 30238MB 15:37:25.283 -> Used space: 0MB 15:37:25.283 -> Nothing deleted, 0.0% disk full 15:37:25.283 -> Creating the_camera_loop_task 15:37:25.283 -> the camera loop, core 0, priority = 6 15:37:25.377 -> the_sd_loop, core 1, priority = 4 15:37:25.563 -> 15:37:25.563 -> 15:37:25.563 -> low prio streaming loop, core 1, priority = 3 15:37:25.563 -> Starting the streaming 15:37:25.610 -> End of setup() 15:37:25.610 -> 15:37:25.610 -> 15:37:25.610 -> Starting the wifi ... 15:37:25.610 -> Setting AP (Access Point)…AP IP address: 15:37:25.705 -> IP: 15:37:25.705 -> 15:37:25.705 -> mDNS responder started 'desklens' 15:37:25.705 -> The power save is : 0 15:37:25.705 -> Starting Web Services ... 15:37:25.705 -> http task prio: 5 15:37:25.705 -> Camera http started 15:37:25.705 -> http Stream task prio: 5 15:37:25.705 -> Stream 81 http started 15:37:25.705 -> http Stream task prio: 5 15:37:25.705 -> Stream 82 http started 15:37:26.266 -> 15:37:26.266 -> Start the avi ... at 3556 15:37:26.266 -> Framesize 11, quality 12, length 1800 seconds 15:37:26.266 -> 15:37:26.359 -> Starting an avi 15:37:26.359 -> File open: /desklens8.001.avi 15:37:26.359 -> 15:37:26.359 -> Recording 1800 seconds. 15:37:30.196 -> Frame 50, len 25678, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 80 -- 15:37:35.004 -> So far: 0110 frames, in 8.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 25.0 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:37:38.232 -> Frame 150, len 25550, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 23 -- 15:37:43.002 -> So far: 0210 frames, in 16.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 25.1 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:37:46.227 -> Frame 250, len 25743, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 22 -- 15:37:50.998 -> So far: 0310 frames, in 24.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 25.2 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:37:54.233 -> Frame 350, len 25665, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 23 -- 15:37:59.012 -> So far: 0410 frames, in 32.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 25.0 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:38:02.247 -> Frame 450, len 25590, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 78 -- 15:38:06.995 -> So far: 0510 frames, in 40.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 25.0 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:38:10.218 -> Frame 550, len 25496, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 27 -- 15:38:14.995 -> So far: 0610 frames, in 48.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 25.3 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:38:18.224 -> Frame 650, len 26193, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 24 -- 15:38:22.996 -> So far: 0710 frames, in 56.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 27.4 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:38:26.187 -> Frame 750, len 31481, extra 0, cam time 77, sd time 28 -- 15:38:30.973 -> So far: 0810 frames, in 64.7 seconds, for last 100 frames: avg frame size 29.5 kb, 12.51 fps ... 15:38:31.301 -> End the Avi 15:38:31.348 -> End of avi - closing the files 15:38:31.348 -> 15:38:31.348 -> *** Video recorded and saved *** 15:38:31.348 -> 15:38:31.348 -> Recorded 815 frames in 64 seconds 15:38:31.348 -> File size is 21683352 bytes 15:38:31.348 -> Adjusted FPS is 12.54 15:38:31.348 -> Max data rate is 345713 bytes/s 15:38:31.348 -> Frame duration is 79733 us 15:38:31.348 -> Average frame length is 26591 bytes 15:38:31.348 -> Average picture time (ms) 74.22 15:38:31.348 -> Average write time (ms) 34.94 15:38:31.348 -> Normal jpg % 99.9 15:38:31.348 -> Extend jpg % 0.0 15:38:31.348 -> Bad jpg % 0.00000 15:38:31.348 -> Writng the index, 815 frames 15:38:31.441 -> --- 15:38:31.441 -> 15:38:31.441 -> waiting for cam 62543ms, 96.1% 15:38:31.441 -> Time in camera 60486ms, 92.9% 15:38:31.441 -> waiting for sd 2347ms, 3.6% 15:38:31.441 -> Time in sd 28597ms, 43.9% 15:38:31.441 -> web (core 1) 0ms, 0.0% 15:38:31.441 -> web (core 0) 0ms, 0.0% 15:38:31.441 -> time total 65089ms, 100.0% 15:38:31.489 -> Total space: 30238MB 15:38:31.489 -> Used space: 20MB 15:38:31.489 -> Nothing deleted, 0.1% disk full 15:38:31.489 -> End the avi at 68776. It was 815 frames, 68776 ms at 12.54 fps... 15:38:31.489 -> 15:38:31.489 -> 15:38:31.489 -> Disconnect Pin 12 from GND to start recording. 15:38:31.489 ->